Children’s Article 3.1

At the end of the day, you probably have one goal on your mind…get your kids to sleep. When you have kids, it can be easy to pray on your own as you feel tired, exhausted, and want nothing more than to see the back of your eyelids. But as a Christian parent, you have an incredible opportunity to pray each night with our kids thanking God for our many blessings.

Proverbs 22:6 states: “Direct your children on to the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” Bedtime prayers are a great way to help your kids start to develop their own faith in God and practically speaking also help kiddos to feel less scared in the dark. 

If you don’t have a specific bedtime prayer just yet, then these 7 fun bedtime prayers for children can get you started.

Help Me Feel Safe in the Dark

Dear God,

When the lights go out and Mom and Dad say goodnight,

I sometimes feel worried; it gives me a lil’ fright!

I know I am safe, but the room feels scary,

As I toss and turn, feeling a lil’ wary.

Help me feel safe, help me to see

That even in the dark you are here with me.

Help me fall asleep and sleep the whole night through

Knowing you’ll always love me, as I love you.  


Thank you, God, for Loving Me, from My Toes to My Head 

As the sun sets and the moon rises, it is now time to go to bed.

Thank you, God, for loving me, from my toes to my head.

As the sun rises in the morning, it will be another fun, full, and silly day.

Please keep me safe, healthy, and happy, as I run, jump, and play.

Counting My Blessings

Hello, God, it’s me (say your name), how are you?

Before I close my eyes tonight,

I want to count my blessings, 1-2-3-4.

I thank you, God, for my mama, papa, family, friends, my home, my toys, and more.

1-2-3-4-5, and 6, you give me so many blessings each day, I can’t count them all.

But know, God, that I count my blessings everyday and know I am lucky to be loved by You, God.

Thank you, Lord, for This Day

Hello, God, it’s me (state your name).

Thank you for today, for my mama and papa.

Thank you for my family, my toys, my food, and everything you gave me today.

Before I fall asleep, I want to thank you and say,

I love you, and thank you, Lord, for this day.

 Goodnight God, I Love You

I am sleepy God, and I am about to sleep.

I look around my room and I love all my toys.

I love my soft pillows and warm blanket.

I love my room and my books.

I’m about to close my eyes now, God.

But before I do, I want to say goodnight, 

And of all the things I have, You’re the one I love the most.

I Pray to You, My Lord

I pray to you, my Lord, Holy Spirit, and Lord of my soul.

Thank you for giving me rest, food, and your unconditional love.

You are my best friend God and I am happy I’m your child.

I know you’re always beside me, even in the dark tonight.

Help me be kind tomorrow when I wake up.

And make me a good person to my family and friends.

Before I go to sleep, embrace me in your warm embrace, and comfort me,

As I pray to you, my Lord, I wish you goodnight.

These 7 prayers are a fun way to thank God and ask for His guidance as your child prepares to go to sleep at night. A simple evening habit can turn into a lifelong habit to mold your child’s faith in Jesus. And soon, when they become adults, and have children on their own, they, too, can teach their children to pray before heading into deep slumber each and every night.

Kids at Black Rock

If you’re in the Fairfield area looking for a great kids program, come visit Black Rock church. We’re all about partnering with parents to lead kids into a growing relationship with Jesus.