10 Date Night Conversation Starters for Your Next Night Out

There is a famous experiment where a couple is asked to spend an hour asking each other questions and listening. In the end, they usually report having romantic feelings for one another even if they have never met before.

With that knowledge, what do you think an hour of questions would do to strengthen your marriage? The truth is it could do so much to enhance your relationship. Yet, sometimes the hardest part is just figuring out what questions to ask or good date conversation topics.

So, here’s a list of date night conversation starters that can help!

Date Night Conversation Starters

Facilitating a conversation with these kinds of questions does take a couple of different skills. Let’s focus on three: attitude, a little bluntness, and openness.


One truth about people is that the majority of individuals actually love to talk about themselves. The only thing that is holding you back from getting answers to questions is asking them. Of course, it is important to read the room.

The problem is most married couples forget this. Couples tend to get into a rut where they are just discussing the day-to-day topics.

But, if you can approach the conversation with a genuine interest, chances are the questions will be a fun addition to your evening.

A Little Bluntness

This goes to the second truth: if the conversation feels awkward, it is because you are the one that makes things uncomfortable. Instead, if you can just ask the question with a bit of bluntness, it will actually go over better.


The final important thing to remember is that you need to be open with someone if you want them to be honest. If you want to strengthen your connection, you need to open up and let your spouse in. At this point, you need to just talk to your date!

Okay, with that foundation in place, here are some great questions!

Family-Related Questions

The truth is everyone’s family has had a significant effect on who they are. By talking about their family, you can learn a lot about their past and what that means for your future. Questions that work are:


1. What is one thing your parents did that you are grateful for?

This question is great because it shows you a little of what they want in their future lives. It’s also an easy way to develop a greater love of your in laws.

Dad or Mom

2. Who are you closer to, your dad or mom?

This question opens up the family conversation in an easy way. If you have been married for a while, you might already know the answer to this, but it can be an excellent way to understand why.

Silly Questions

Sometimes asking emotional questions can be a little draining. Make sure to vary the questions with some of a more light-hearted nature.


3. How many pennies do you think could fit into this room?

This is such a great question because it lets you see how their brain works. It also can just be a fun conversation to lighten the mood.


4. Would you rather feel like a potato or look like a potato?

Similarly, this question just leads to laughter. But in a weird profound way, it also helps you see if they would choose how they look over how they feel. Similar choices can come up in marriage.

Movie/TV Shows

Studies have found the average American spends 3 hours a day watching tv shows and movies. Media is such a huge part of most of our lives. It can be a great bonding experience.

Switching Characters

5. If you could switch two movie characters, what switch would lead to the funniest movies?

This question can lead to the most brilliant switcharoos. Plus, you might already know their favorite movie, but maybe this will introduce you to a different film they also like.

Death of a Movie Character

6. If you could kill any movie character, who would it be and why?

This is a way to find out their least favorite movie character. It can also lead to a funny inside joke.

Personal Questions

Of course, to really get to know a person, you obviously need some questions about them.


7. Who do you envy the most?

Understanding someone’s jealousy helps you know what they want most out of life. Whether it is money or looks, it shows their priorities fast.


8. What are your central religious beliefs?

If you look at most churches, they have a statement of faith about their beliefs. For you and your spouse, it can be helpful to assess what their statement is. It can be cool to look at a specific spiritual belief and understand their exact feelings about that topic.  

Future Questions

This person is your whole future, and the more you know about their future goals, the better you can plan together.

Dream Job

9. If you could have any kind of job in the future, what would it be?

This question shows you two things, what someone’s passion is and whether they are actually working towards their dream job. If they are not, it can lead to an interesting conversation about what keeps them from working towards their dream.


10. If you had unlimited money to start a business, what would it be?

Similar to the previous question, this reveals what someone’s priorities are. It also might give you some great ideas for future business endeavors.

Go Out on a Date

So what are you waiting for? Grab your spouse and go out for a fun dinner date. Using these date night conversation starters can bring you closer together.

Visit Black Rock

We have a bunch more free resources on marriage. In the Fairfield area and looking to strengthen your relationship?  Come visit Black Rock Church.